The Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy, or IFIB, is an interactive forum of two days of pre-arranged face-to-face bilateral meetings (B2B) between Startups, Companies, Universities, public and private Research Centres in the field of industrial biotechnology and bioeconomy. This event is organized by Assobiotec-Federchimica, SPRING (the Italian Cluster of Green Chemistry) and InnovHub in Trento. Co-organizers of IFIB 2021 are Autonomous Province of Trento, HUB Innovation Trentino and Trentino Sviluppo. The partnering event is organized in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network. IFIB is endorsed by ITA (Italian Trade Agency), Invitalia and Invest in Italy. IFIB is supported by Regione Lazio, Lazio Innova, Unioncamere Lazio, Camera di Commercio di Roma, LGCA (Lombardy Green Cluster Association)
CONTRIBUTION: In the IFIB 2021 context, the research group of University of Trieste presented the project “LIPASES FOR THE BIOCATALYSED SYNTHESIS OF BIO-BASED PLASTICIZERS”, that was selected for a poster presentation presented by Mariachiara Spennato, PhD student (figure 1).